Recent or Upcoming Speaking Engagements

Some of Johann’s speaking engagements are shown below. Click on the links to listen in or watch.

itSMF 18

19th - 20th November 2018

Bishopsgate, London

Title of Session: The New Management of Service – Joining up the Enterprise


Like never before organisations have the opportunity to stitch themselves back together again after decades of fragmentation, disintermediation, and disruption. Whilst Outsourcing offered the quick balance sheet wins it did nothing for helping us improve the
service we offer customers.

At the same time, ITSM vendors and ITIL practitioners drove hard into the world of IT the need for great process management but got stuck.

Now great platforms are finally enabling organisations to join back up and start to deliver the great service they had always dreamed about.
But don't ask the IT organisation to deliver against such strategic objectives for fear of history repeating itself.

Come and hear just how enterprises can now focus from the top down, on delivering outstanding customer service, whilst simultaneously cutting costs and improving compliance.

Too good to be true? Not anymore!

Remember; It's All About Service!

Previous Speaking Engagements​​​​​​​

24th May 2018


Title of Session: The Robots have arrived - Don't run for cover yet!


Never before has it been so possible to deliver such great service, than at this point in time, with the onset of new technologies. Now, customers can reach directly into the heart of the enterprise by themselves, to help themselves, to order and initiate ‘service processes’, change contracts, purchase add-on’s and much more. All without even interfacing with a real person. We are starting to exploit technology in ways that our ancestors could only dream of. In ways that are truly innovative and exciting.

But with great opportunity comes great responsibility and just because we ‘can’ doesn’t mean we ‘should’.

In this talk we introduce the notion of a new era of Service and the drive towards everything-as-a-service (XaaS), where products get turned into services, spawning the ‘Service Revolution’.

If you would like to book Johann to speak at a customer or industry conference or meeting, please use the form below to get in touch